Jakób Eiger – tombstone conservation.

Jakób Eiger – tombstone conservation.
Died on December 16, 1888, plot 32, row 20, place 78
Description of the facility

Jakub Eiger’s tombstone, made of white marble and set on a sandstone slab, is a unique work of sepulchral art that has survived to this day. Its architectural and sculptural form, referring to Moorish architecture, testifies to the rich history and culture that each element of the cemetery carries. Despite numerous acts of vandalism and theft that occurred at the end of the 20th century, Eiger’s tombstone is still standing, although incomplete and requiring urgent conservation work. Weathering processes, which progress very quickly, especially in the reconstructions of canopy supports from the beginning of the 21st century, pose a threat to the statics of the structure. Visible cracks on the marble base and catafalque indicate the need for immediate action to prevent further damage and safeguard the gravestone for future generations. The latest conservation works, carried out in 2006-2009, were a step in the right direction, but the current condition of the tombstone shows that further interventions are needed. The cultural heritage of Eiger’s tombstone is a priceless testimony of the past that deserves protection and preservation. Its history and current condition are a reminder of the constant need to take care of our monuments, which are not only souvenirs of those who have passed away, but also a treasure trove of knowledge about our history and culture.

Work in progress

Maintenance work is underway on this facility. An archival query was carried out, extensive archaeological research was carried out in the area immediately surrounding the facility, individual parts (canopy and catafalque) were dismantled, the facility was dried, cleaned and consolidated. Work is underway to recreate the decorative elements in marble and inscriptions.

Completion of the works is planned for autumn 2024.

The works are carried out in accordance with the permission of the Masovian Provincial Conservator of Monuments and under the supervision of the Rabbinical Commission for Cemeteries.


Conservation of the facility is carried out by the Cultural Heritage Foundation from funds obtained thanks to a subsidy from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage to the perpetual fund of the Cultural Heritage Foundation intended for work on the Jewish Cemetery at ul. Okopowa in Warsaw.

Flaga Polski, godło Polski, logotyp z wuizerynkiem orła w koronie , porpisany Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego

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